Friday, December 5, 2008

" are my fire, my one desireeeee.."

someone asked me today why this blog has been updated almost every single day.

someone even pointed out that most of my posts are not personal enough.

someone suggested i start posting more relevant stuff

someone said i should post more about what I'm doing everyday.

someone says i am not descriptive enough.

someone actually reads my blog! 

haha happy happy happy me.

so, for someone, here goes..

today, I reverse parked for the first time in my entire driving life. wwhheeeee :)

today, i ate nasi lemak.

today, my brother ate nasi lemak & pizza for the first time since his operation.

today, he pooped. for the first time. muahahaha

today, i stayed put in the hospital and stole his hospital food *evil laugh*

tonight, i dont have to sleep in the hospital 

today, my two cousins had sushi without me :(

today, i got wet in the rain

today i watched a Singapore vs Cambodia soccer match

today i decided my sons will never play rugby

today i'm ashamed to admit i went in facebook more than 5 times :/

today.. well, today was such an interesting day.

this is fun.

to be continued tomorrow.. 

tomorrow, i shall go for street feeding with Mandy :)

tomorrow i shall meet Sarah binks and Sharonnn

tomorrow i shall eat more food

tomorrow is a new day

to be continued on the next post. :)

hopefully someone is happy with this post 



JaCeLyN said...

I like your todays...hahaha.... huggies