Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One scarred hand to the other

Someone asked me this today.

'What makes you a woman?'

'Your everything.' She answered her own question and I had to smile. She was engrossed in reading Captivating and I saw the light in her eyes. It had hit her. She was special. A woman of God. A woman loved. That smile said a lot.

Somehow, suddenly, that painful pit in your stomach just goes away. Perhaps somehow, she was right.

Maybe this awful feeling will go away.

I wonder, is this how He feels when we turn our backs on him? When we stop calling? When we decide we don't want to see or talk to Him. When we delete Him from our lives?

So much to learn. Too much unwilling hearts.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Like a rose that never blooms

Its been awhile since the last post. And somehow, dear blog, you were not missed. Til the time came for somewhere to rant. Or cry. You were here all this while, weren't you? You knew I'd be back :')

Nothing much of importance. Insignificant. A promise made. The new path began. But somehow, a little slip. A slight lost of balance. Next thing I knew, I was falling. (yes I know, 'tis so very cheesy)

I did something wrong. Lost focus? Lost direction.

Lord, lead me back.
