Monday, December 1, 2008

How am I supposed to be with no air? No air.. no air..

Me baby brother's having his surgery at 3.30pm later. The Ortho surgeon came in and explained everything perfectly. The poor boy hasn't eaten since last night & its oh so tempting to taunt him about it! lol

But yes, its hard I know. I cannot imagine myself in his position.

Nathanael is strong. he is. 

He's stronger than me. not physically only. but in every other aspect. also, there is no clown like him. none i tell you!

a part of our conversation today :
Me : Why are you talking to yourself?
Nael : Because I'm bored.


another snippet
Nael : Chea, top up for me credit pls.
Sha : Ady.
Nael : Fuyo. 30 ringgit ar. walau. thnk u vry much.
Sha : spend wisely. no calling girlfriend all.
Nael : Insyallah.

yet another
Nael : why must wear hospital gown?
Sha : Because its the rule!
Nael : Can wear clothes inside?
Sha : Cannot! Its not the rules!
Nael : Can wear underwear?
Sha : I dont know. I dont think so. ask the nursela. - 'excuse me, can i wear my underwear?'.
Nael : Why must take out? Why? wwwwhhhyyyyyyyy?? I dont want. what they want to see??
Sha : *bursts out laughing*

: )

okay.. well i find it amusing anyway (even if no-one else does haha). 

ah the little things that amuse me.

we've been here in the hospital since 9.30am!! AGH The ortho surgeon was really nice. i wanna be as nice as him one day. : )

and and and!  they might have to remove his whole meniskus. 

i wonder if we can keep it.

Probably in a jar or something?

But its definitely better if they dont remove anything. Everything found there should be left there. Thanks for the prayers guys. My brother thanks you, i thank you :)

Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible. - Cherie Carter-Scott


[J].[L] said...

God will carry us through. He cares enough to know when our tears fall, when we shuffle our feet...He surely will lead us all d way siz. this i am confident off. Go with His peace dear siz. Hang on :)

lovez *huggies*