so there i was, innocently sitting down watching Enchanted (for the 10000th time, yes, i am proud to admit i have developed an amazing ability in recalling every single line and every single song in it. this is what happens when you stay in a hospital room too long :/ ESPECIALLY when they've shown Enchanted in starmovie for 1 million times) with my brother & mum when I got this link while checking my mail. Its a gender analyzer and it analyzes a particular blog and tells you whether the writer is a guy or a girl. lol
soo, for the fun of it, i typed in my blog url ONLY to discover :

yes, you read right!

i write like a guy! my goodness.
i should probably add more bimbo talk.
i'm 58% man-ish.
its quite gender neutral they say. I wonder if thats a good thing or a bad thing?
me typed in Ash's blog and they were right. she's a woman.
typed in Sabby.. and they were right as well.
my heart, it hurts.
58% man.
Prince Edward: Yes, it's me. And you are?
Giselle: Giselle.
Prince Edward: Oh, Giselle! We shall be married in the morning!
no fairytales for my kids in the future. i will make sure of it!
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