Monday, April 21, 2008

yeeelllooowww :)

Hey everyone! Natasha here :) Welcome to the blog of yours truly :P
well.. i'm not very much a fan of blogging
*sigh* but i think this is a really good way of keeping u guys updated! me so sorry i cant email everyone :(..
But i hope u guys can find
the time to read this. haha. i think this blogging thingy very cool la. can change font and size of the text muaahahhahaha.. (sorry.. SS sikit :D)

Guys, I'm sure each of us have had God-stories and God-encounters this first few months of 2008. one thing for sure - God is
awesome! Theres been ups and downs but in the end its always so clear - he never leaves. its something so simple yet sometimes we forget the basics of life..

hmm, well, this post is supposedly me telling you that i'll be updating u all with life here in
IMU.. please bare with me hehe. if u get bored, simple. just click on the [x] on the corner of this screen! i will definitely try to keep this active..

lame pick up lines are the so in rite now (yes, i know i'm lame sharon) 

---> My love for you is like constipation.. 'coz i cant let you go :P