Wednesday, April 23, 2008


It was a very very productive day yesterday in a NON-nerd sense. haha

supposed to have studied but.. better leave it unsaid :)

anyway, it was productive because I got to talk to SOME people who somehow disappeared into thin air (,'')...
Sharon, Abbey, Kevin & Elizabeth all in a day :P i say WELL DONE ahhhaaa. i miss you all =(

It was great to see that God was working in everyone's life in different ways all at the same time. Esp for Kev and Abbey - I'm SO proud of you guys! i'm truly honoured with the fact you guys still pray for me :) Its a pleasure being in this journey with you guys. Eph 5:15-17.. '.. Make the most of every opportunity...Understand what the Lord wants you to do...'

Have a great day :)


Sarah said...

Sharon is always online but "Appears Offline"
oooh but did I tell you how much I love this blog? I love it! ..oh and seriously, give more thought to the security camera.