she's puzzled.
it is not that out prayers are not answered, it is that we do not accept the answer.
-kosti tolonen
but. why?
If it knocks you to your knees again, as it will, well, isn't that the best position from which to pray? - Ethel Barrymore
I have no words to describe how grateful i am for a God who not only heals,
but forgives and loves me. Despite of all my shortcomings, all my mistakes, all my faithlessness, my doubts, Lord, you were still there.
Things have been weird. i feel, well, lost. today was nevertheless a good day. woke up with determination to clean the apartment (after much procrastination!) and have a bit of me time..
not much of that happening yet but yea, a week of alone time!
my housemates have left for home and the family's coming next week, hopefully.
its funny how it doesn't bother me anymore to have a plan. an itinerary?
haha. this girl's learning to live day by day.
with just. enough. light.
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