Its always been a mystery to me,
How two hearts can come together,
And love can last forever.
But now that I have found you I believe,
That a miracle has come when God sends the perfect one.
So gone are all my questions about why,
And i've never been so sure of anything in my life
Never have I been to a more emotional, more intimate, more God centered wedding.
When Shaun sang to his bride walking down that aisle at that garden,
you knew instantly that it was no ordinary wedding.
rose petals and candles illuminating the walkway; tears and laughter echoing around.
Jo, my amazing, amazing sister is married. :)
I look at them and I know our God loves us.
one thing i know, there's no need to pine and wait or look for the 'right' person.
what use is 'another half'' if we're not complete in our own God?
If our relationship with him is nonexistent?
We delight in him first. We seek him first.
Its not easy. But its do-able. With him.
I Thes 2:12
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