Monday, May 11, 2009

Some say he's just a good man

God's chisel

no idea how to upload the video here. oh well, this video is a must watch :)

indeed we are a masterpiece. if we were truly junk? what would that reflect the maker? I used to laugh or deny it when someone said I'm special. that I'm different. you know? as unbelievable as it feels. as much as i'd like to deny it. I AM a masterpiece. And so are you. and you. and you. and you!

he made us in his image guys. the least we can do is honour him, love him, trust him.

Even in our faults, in our weakness, he can and will be made beautiful... How awesome is that?!

kudos to Joanne who introduced the video to us during sem1 cell group today. sis, you rock to infinity and beyond! :P