Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Jesus, My Saviour


The something you're convinced happens to random people. Not people you know. Those names in paper were just that - names. Statistics and prognostics that had nothing to do with me. Until, of course, it comes and surprises you with a knock on the head or with a kick on the shin. :/ 

Funny how the surprises keep on coming... again and again. 


The something you learn in class. When you hear of it for real, you remember that one lecture note. The one about the prognosis. The one about the high mortality rate. And for a second, you hope upon hope that you remember wrongly. That there is a cure. That something can be done. That its just a hiccup. A bad dream perhaps? 

Stage 4.

It has to be a dream. The last time I heard this was less than 2 years ago. I thought, 'Lord, its impossible that you're letting this happen twice. Both also are people I know! Seriously?'

But, its real and its not going away. 

You learn to live. To live despite the pain. To live with that hopelessness. Knowing you can't do anything. Wait. What do you mean hopelessness?! There is hope! Hope in him. Knowing He can. That He is mighty to save. That he will pull us through. Its when the night is the darkest that light shines the brightest, no?

I have nothing to say at this moment but am reminded of a song... 'The same power that conquered the grave lives in me, lives in me. Your love that rescued the earth lives in me, lives in me.'

Religion's really not about a set of rules. Its a love story :')