Thursday, August 14, 2008

three little pigs and the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, big bad wolf..

yes, after disappearing for awhile from the net, I AM BACK!

ah yes, it is now the 4th week of sem2 in IMU and so far, been covering a bit of bacteriology, pathology and immunology.. ah yes. am at the IMU library now with Ash in the next computer supposedly doing PBL *ahem ahem*

Learning Issue #1 : Etiology of chest pain....
Learning Issue #6 : pathophysiology of blablalblaaa AND difference of arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. so, i typed in google. instead of typing 'difference of arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis,' my fingers (having a mind of their own) typed in '', '' and '' instead. hmm. must be some kind of disease going around. Procrastinatitis or something :/

ah yess, back to the title. 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf.. had pathology lab this morning and armed with notebook and pen in hand, we entered the lab with high expectations to be better educated people by the time lab ended. (or so we wished we were la) ah, wishful thinking. what i learned was to remember that decribing the anatomy of an appendix is like.. lets say, the story of the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf. yes, for a good 15 minutes or more, we were given the glorious opportunity to reminisce over our childhood with singing the all time classic - 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf :) look on the guy's face (who was asked to decribe the whole thing) : priceless!

Note from Miss Annie : You must study, study and STUDY!

Friend #1 : *gasps* How profound! What a noble profession.

Me : *chuckles evilly in the inside while trying to look seriously at the slides*

i will not be forgetting today's lab for awhile.

more interesting news! been driving around kl! for those who have been in the car. i applaud your bravery. still having trouble getting used to the roads.. :/ maintaining the car is a feat itself as well.

even more interesting news, my bible.. yea, i lost my bible in uni.. i left it somewhere and now its gone! my cherished small NLT Bible. Tho it was already torn in two, it was mine :( now, someone else has it.. truly everything happens for a reason.. My prayer is that whoever has it at this very moment will be OVERCOME WITH GUILT AND START REPENTING ON THE SPOT! haha.. not really, i hope that whoever has it will be blessed by it. Wherever it is, may it bring joy and peace to its new owner. yes, i honestly hope for that..

the rantings shall continue later. hafta head over to patho lab again for a different patho session.. ah yes, song of the day : three little pigs and the big bad wolf :)