yepp, aunty aivee all the way from syd and the always busy ew together with myself finally managed to sneak in a lunch. not much pictures tho :/ ai vee they're with you!! ughh.

after a rather last minute decision to surprise my mum for her birthday, I decided to go back home for the Merdeka weekend..
Could have left Friday instead of Saturday but of course i couldnt miss out on the ragging orientating of the NEW batch.. ahh. no more being juniors. no more excuse to run around uni like mad people. no more excuse to shout at someone who's on the ground floor when u're on the 4th floor :/ *SIGHS* at least when you're a junior, people will say 'Ugh, their just juniors' but now they'll go 'what on earth is wrong with these people!' so, with new seniority comes new responsibility! we shall now walk with full dignity and grace, smiling only when necessary, trying hard at all times to look busy and nerdy. (this is APPARENTLY SOMEONE's aim in life right now. *cough** she APPARENTLY (again) has the desire to develop muscles by dragging papa patho ALL AROUND UNI. ah yes, some of us are just gifted in that.
sorry. rambling nonsense at the moment.
anyway, yes, i am back home. first thing an aunty in church said when she saw me - 'Eh, what are you doing here? Why come back? Didn't you just come back the other day?' ah yes, i am back whether they like it or not!! Ironic how they complain us kids never come back to our hometowns yet when we do come back we're asked why the thought of coming back even crossed our minds. :/
will be in Sandakan til monday then off back to the hills of Jalil where the monkeys and the terrapin play! wwwhheeeeee
Went for youth service today in church and worship was amazing. Songs that were forgotten long ago was brought back today. I forgot how much the simplicity of some songs can penetrate right through the heart of worship. Coz its all about him..
Saat ku mengangkat tangan
Yesus menurunkan tangannya
Dia menjamah
B'rikan ku kekuatan
Saat Ku panggil namanya
Kurasakan kasih kuasanya
Tak berubah
Sekarang dan selamanya
Sometimes all we need is to surrender. to confess. to believe. To be Mary instead of Martha. indeed, Dia menjamah, brikan ku kekuatan. kami perlukan keajaiban mu, kami butuhkan sentuhan tanganMu.Kami tak dapat jalan sendiri, kami perlu kau Tuhan.
To see youth back home so passionate for God.. speechless. the work God has begun.. he will continue til completion. whheee!
yes, a bit crazy now. . craving sleep (something ive not been able to do for quite awhile)
This woman is prolly gonna go get some sleep. she cant believe she's in her OWN BED! ah yes, heaven!
I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now -Undone by Mercyme-
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