Friday, September 19, 2008

the week has been crazy yet again agh! one thing that stood out was the fact i was extremely annoyed with a certain someone during my hospital visit yesterday.. Shami (my housemate) was kind enough to lend me an ear.. girl, u are definitely very patient! haha. Sufi was there as well to hear the annoyed-me complaining about this particular person.

then it hits me on my way back to klang.

who am i to judge this other person?

(this person's gender and name shall not be revealed due to the fact gossiping is out of the question. hehe)

What made me think i am any better than him/her? very, very humbling. as Sarah puts it, hate the sin, not the sinner.

so, no, I'm not the better person. in fact, i could be the worst compared to him/her.

its a struggle we have to take on. accepting each other with all our weaknesses.

to forgive! agghhh.. i cant do this on my own. But if He could.. the sins of every single one. maybe.. maybe I could?


Ziggy said...

My dear, you can rise above it, even if it takes a while, it'll all be fine. No need to rush yourself, we're all only human. :D

Plus, I'm always here for you if you need to talk. ♥