saya just realized that holiday time means relearning time.
saya rasa saya tidak ada cukup masa untuk mengenjoy holiday saya
namun, saya akan jumpa cousin saya yang disayangi jumaat ini
saya akan mengannoy mereka selama 17 jam..
>=D ---- evil smiley lol
to bring notes for the holiday or NOT to bring notes.. that is the question. dang it.
to end, a lovely quote introduced by Anushya..
“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Mark Twain
To be like a violet.. a flower crushed.. destroyed. yet still leaving a fragrance.. can it possibly be?
"It is not enough just to stop and smell the flowers as you walk thru life. One must also regularly plant the seeds for new ones, as a gift for other dreamers to come." Anon.
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