It is popularly suggested that cockroaches will "inherit the earth" if humanity destroys itself in a nuclear war. Cockroaches do indeed have a much higher radiation resistance than vertebrates, with the lethal dose perhaps 6 to 15 times that for humans.

And wonderfully, they have chosen to grace my bathroom with their presence. Even daring to ENTER MY ROOM! the horrible creatures.
what amazes me (actually, what freaks me out).. is the fact they take so long to die. even after putting the anti-cockroach poison thingy. they lie there moving their legs and feelers. ugh. Last nite tho, Anushya and Loshana came over to see an apartment for rent and Anushya as the amazing mummy she is :P decided to take matters into her own hands. There came the rolled newspaper and *SSMAACKK!!!SSMMAACKK!!SSMMAACCKK!!!* i shall not go into detail. to say the least - it was brutal. i can never look at my bathroom floor the same anymore.. muahahahaha
For that, Anushya Lim, i owe u my life. or at least a drink at the mamak. :)
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