a friend told me to check this out.
life in imu
check it out :)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. [Habakkuk 2:3]
When you read the word 'patience', we get the picture of sitting in a beach chair with waves tickling our toes, waiting for God to tell you whats next.
Patience is more than this.
Picture yourself as a stone statue carved into the mountain as the surf pounds you year after year, yet you remain in place. The ability to have this kind of patience comes from having a CLEAR VISION OF GOD.
Everyone experiences questions and doubts, but as we follow this path we begin to get a clearer picture. Its no more an abstract painting. the lines make sense. the squiggles give meaning. We soon become like the statue in the ocean. nothing can push us of our path. nothing can break your will. its that kind of patience that makes you stronger.
ah yes, He is faithful. strength to the weary? hope to the hopeless, love to the.. unloved :)
When you read the word 'patience', we get the picture of sitting in a beach chair with waves tickling our toes, waiting for God to tell you whats next.
Patience is more than this.
Picture yourself as a stone statue carved into the mountain as the surf pounds you year after year, yet you remain in place. The ability to have this kind of patience comes from having a CLEAR VISION OF GOD.
Everyone experiences questions and doubts, but as we follow this path we begin to get a clearer picture. Its no more an abstract painting. the lines make sense. the squiggles give meaning. We soon become like the statue in the ocean. nothing can push us of our path. nothing can break your will. its that kind of patience that makes you stronger.
ah yes, He is faithful. strength to the weary? hope to the hopeless, love to the.. unloved :)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Taken from WIkipedia - Cockroaches are among the hardiest insects on the planet, some species capable of remaining active for a month without food, or being able to survive on limited resources like the glue from the back of postage stamps. Some can go without air for 45 minutes or slow down their heart rate.
It is popularly suggested that cockroaches will "inherit the earth" if humanity destroys itself in a nuclear war. Cockroaches do indeed have a much higher radiation resistance than vertebrates, with the lethal dose perhaps 6 to 15 times that for humans.

And wonderfully, they have chosen to grace my bathroom with their presence. Even daring to ENTER MY ROOM! the horrible creatures.
what amazes me (actually, what freaks me out).. is the fact they take so long to die. even after putting the anti-cockroach poison thingy. they lie there moving their legs and feelers. ugh. Last nite tho, Anushya and Loshana came over to see an apartment for rent and Anushya as the amazing mummy she is :P decided to take matters into her own hands. There came the rolled newspaper and *SSMAACKK!!!SSMMAACKK!!SSMMAACCKK!!!* i shall not go into detail. to say the least - it was brutal. i can never look at my bathroom floor the same anymore.. muahahahaha
For that, Anushya Lim, i owe u my life. or at least a drink at the mamak. :)
It is popularly suggested that cockroaches will "inherit the earth" if humanity destroys itself in a nuclear war. Cockroaches do indeed have a much higher radiation resistance than vertebrates, with the lethal dose perhaps 6 to 15 times that for humans.

And wonderfully, they have chosen to grace my bathroom with their presence. Even daring to ENTER MY ROOM! the horrible creatures.
what amazes me (actually, what freaks me out).. is the fact they take so long to die. even after putting the anti-cockroach poison thingy. they lie there moving their legs and feelers. ugh. Last nite tho, Anushya and Loshana came over to see an apartment for rent and Anushya as the amazing mummy she is :P decided to take matters into her own hands. There came the rolled newspaper and *SSMAACKK!!!SSMMAACKK!!SSMMAACCKK!!!* i shall not go into detail. to say the least - it was brutal. i can never look at my bathroom floor the same anymore.. muahahahaha
For that, Anushya Lim, i owe u my life. or at least a drink at the mamak. :)
So I changed my mind bout something.
Life is worth the living. everysinglesecondofit.
Whats cool tho? Rubix Cubes and energizer bunnies! :)
i have YET to solve one.. but there is hope! i hope. wat about the bunnies? i met one today.
anyway, Bey, different people have different taste laa. jst because theirs tidak ngam with yours doesnt mean your taste any better. THERE! >=)
Church tomorrow! Havent been for Kingdom Culture due to the stressness of needing to study. Church is family. my family :) and i love my family ( :
Life is worth the living. everysinglesecondofit.
Whats cool tho? Rubix Cubes and energizer bunnies! :)
i have YET to solve one.. but there is hope! i hope. wat about the bunnies? i met one today.
anyway, Bey, different people have different taste laa. jst because theirs tidak ngam with yours doesnt mean your taste any better. THERE! >=)
Church tomorrow! Havent been for Kingdom Culture due to the stressness of needing to study. Church is family. my family :) and i love my family ( :
Thursday, May 22, 2008
My Blogs
Ashvini - the brown woman
Esther - the cheerleader
Fatin - the almost lover
Jien - the squasher
JinLin - the terlalu kurus one
Lannel - the songwriter
Liling - the charmed one
Meriell - the budak
Nicole - the teddy bear
Sab - the other half
Tim - the cynic
Timo - the swimmer
Vidya - the panda
Yew - the fisherman
Ziiiiii - the music junkie
Esther - the cheerleader
Fatin - the almost lover
Jien - the squasher
JinLin - the terlalu kurus one
Lannel - the songwriter
Liling - the charmed one
Meriell - the budak
Nicole - the teddy bear
Sab - the other half
Tim - the cynic
Timo - the swimmer
Vidya - the panda
Yew - the fisherman
Ziiiiii - the music junkie
Hello. You have come to Natasha's blog.
She first used this blog for updates for friends and family back home but now is utilising it for better reasons. From rantings, it evolved to bits&pieces because she realized she's done ranting about her life and is going to embrace life and the stuff in it!
She chooses to blog on random things that occur to her, thus revealing bits of her life here. She loves her own space and has been known to hibernate for weeks end with no human contact.
She loves good food and has a little roundness to prove it mwahaha. She's surrounded by crazy people and enjoys every single second with them :D
She's a walking musical with something always playing in her mind (think Scrubs Musical meets Sesame street). She's got no cares about what people think (to a certain extent lol) but have yet to resort to breaking out in dance. (We wont want to see that now, would we?) She's got her emo moments and her high-on-dope moments with every other moment ranging between the two. ( if that even makes sense :/ )
Lastly, she's a child of God. A daughter of the most high. She is his beloved and he is hers. She's currently in the process of learning as much as she can about him and his word. She has learnt that she cannot earn his love nor his blessings. She's learning the art of surrender and trusting him. She's in a race worth running in :)
Monday, May 19, 2008
havent updated the blog lately. someone (i-wont-mention-who) has to STOP asking me to update the blog! haha. but thanks tho for the 100++ reminders! haha
anyway, just got back from Sabah this afternoon.. had a great time back home but i dont think i'll be taking short breaks to go back anytime soon!
SO much has happened i dont know where to start.. Okay, maybe the most annoying thing i've had to endure lately was getting my US visa at the embassy. ughhh.
i will spare the details because i do NOT want them thinking i want to blow up the place! LOL
one thing i will say tho.. it was definitely an INTERESTING experience (note the sarcasm).
they REJECT me. they-rejected-me! ughhh =''(
but yes, with full of dignity and grace, I WILL REAPPLY haha.
oh oh, watched Ironman and Narnia over the past 2 weeks. Watched Ironman with Jinlin, Kor Woi, Mei Xin and Ling Lingy :P i think i speak for Jin Lin and Li Ling when i say I LOVED it haha. sorry guys for being too, ahem, loud. i dont mind watching it again. and i PROMISE to be quiet O=) Narnia was good too..tho not as good as the first one. Got to watch it in SANDAKAN. wow. i am still trying to get used to the fact that Sandakan is finally maju-ing!
Well, went back to Sandakan on Friday and after 4 months i got to see my babies :) Pictures to come soonnnn.. Who I didnt get to see tho? SHEILA!! As si An and Mary puts it.. she's a VERY BUSY WOMAN. haha Sheil, if you're reading this.. I MISS YOU! wanted to meet so many people in so short a time :( what is this! oh well, we shall meet soon.. even if i have to go to the Phil myself :)
okay, now down to the real deal. Summative 1 for ME108 is on the 20th of JUNE dang it. bout a month to go and yes, i still have time to waste here in this blog. *sigh* library.. tomorrow.. HERE I COME
irony. --> Phil 2:14 - "Do everything without complaining or arguing"
Life doesnt always go our way does it. but then again, if it does, we wouldnt need God now, would we? good point.
my goodness. I'm really ranting! needs to go get songs for cf practice now. the rantings shall continue soon..
anyway, just got back from Sabah this afternoon.. had a great time back home but i dont think i'll be taking short breaks to go back anytime soon!
SO much has happened i dont know where to start.. Okay, maybe the most annoying thing i've had to endure lately was getting my US visa at the embassy. ughhh.
i will spare the details because i do NOT want them thinking i want to blow up the place! LOL
one thing i will say tho.. it was definitely an INTERESTING experience (note the sarcasm).
they REJECT me. they-rejected-me! ughhh =''(
but yes, with full of dignity and grace, I WILL REAPPLY haha.
oh oh, watched Ironman and Narnia over the past 2 weeks. Watched Ironman with Jinlin, Kor Woi, Mei Xin and Ling Lingy :P i think i speak for Jin Lin and Li Ling when i say I LOVED it haha. sorry guys for being too, ahem, loud. i dont mind watching it again. and i PROMISE to be quiet O=) Narnia was good too..tho not as good as the first one. Got to watch it in SANDAKAN. wow. i am still trying to get used to the fact that Sandakan is finally maju-ing!
Well, went back to Sandakan on Friday and after 4 months i got to see my babies :) Pictures to come soonnnn.. Who I didnt get to see tho? SHEILA!! As si An and Mary puts it.. she's a VERY BUSY WOMAN. haha Sheil, if you're reading this.. I MISS YOU! wanted to meet so many people in so short a time :( what is this! oh well, we shall meet soon.. even if i have to go to the Phil myself :)
okay, now down to the real deal. Summative 1 for ME108 is on the 20th of JUNE dang it. bout a month to go and yes, i still have time to waste here in this blog. *sigh* library.. tomorrow.. HERE I COME
irony. --> Phil 2:14 - "Do everything without complaining or arguing"
Life doesnt always go our way does it. but then again, if it does, we wouldnt need God now, would we? good point.
my goodness. I'm really ranting! needs to go get songs for cf practice now. the rantings shall continue soon..