sorry for the lapse of posts.. believe me, its nothing intentional. exams are coming nearer way too fast and.. yes, she has to study. the internet doesnt bring her as much joy as it used to. or maybe its just the stress? or the prolonged absence of an internet connection in her home?
agh, she stares at a picture of E. hystolytica, wondering - what should she eat tonight? (by the way, E hystolytica causes bloody diarrhea. You can die. yep, and after studying all these parasites, only one conclusion can be made.
We should all stop eating.
Theres too much microbes in the world.
ooh, we should stop drinking water as well. Lets not forget the our dear Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba hystolytica.
this is purely random.
she wonders why IMU doesnt have a proper study area for students APART from pbl rooms (which are only open during weekdays) and the library.
she remembers a story about a thermostat and a thermometer.
Are you simply reflecting your climate around you? or are you setting the climate around you.
taking charge? or sitting back?
complaining or acting?
we were made for greater things.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
the week has been crazy yet again agh! one thing that stood out was the fact i was extremely annoyed with a certain someone during my hospital visit yesterday.. Shami (my housemate) was kind enough to lend me an ear.. girl, u are definitely very patient! haha. Sufi was there as well to hear the annoyed-me complaining about this particular person.
then it hits me on my way back to klang.
who am i to judge this other person?
(this person's gender and name shall not be revealed due to the fact gossiping is out of the question. hehe)
What made me think i am any better than him/her? very, very humbling. as Sarah puts it, hate the sin, not the sinner.
so, no, I'm not the better person. in fact, i could be the worst compared to him/her.
its a struggle we have to take on. accepting each other with all our weaknesses.
to forgive! agghhh.. i cant do this on my own. But if He could.. the sins of every single one. maybe.. maybe I could?
then it hits me on my way back to klang.
who am i to judge this other person?
(this person's gender and name shall not be revealed due to the fact gossiping is out of the question. hehe)
What made me think i am any better than him/her? very, very humbling. as Sarah puts it, hate the sin, not the sinner.
so, no, I'm not the better person. in fact, i could be the worst compared to him/her.
its a struggle we have to take on. accepting each other with all our weaknesses.
to forgive! agghhh.. i cant do this on my own. But if He could.. the sins of every single one. maybe.. maybe I could?
'Thoughtlessness, self-absorption, preoccupation, negligence - you expect those from the average run of your acquaintances, but not from your best friend. From him you want perfection. You want him to read your mind" - Emma in Saving Graces
Phone calls, random drives, the stars at night.. remember?
I want you to.
Phone calls, random drives, the stars at night.. remember?
I want you to.
Monday, September 15, 2008
when u get sick of books, go take ridiculous photos.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
i miss
i miss my orientation group.

i'm off to a cousin's cousin's wedding. second cousin? cousin twice removed? :/ oh well. feast your eyes of z dress of z night! hehehe. ironic how i missed a wedding last week only to go for another this week :/
a premonition! of a wedding.. ah yes :)
signing off
extremely sleepy woman

i'm off to a cousin's cousin's wedding. second cousin? cousin twice removed? :/ oh well. feast your eyes of z dress of z night! hehehe. ironic how i missed a wedding last week only to go for another this week :/
a premonition! of a wedding.. ah yes :)
signing off
extremely sleepy woman
the week
forgive the lack of posts.. the week has been, well, crazy, to put it simply.
lectures attended and lectures missed, nights spent mugging and nights spent emo-ing over lost wallets (will get to that later), days passing in a sec and hours that are forever. of punctured tires and cute cockroaches.
Of dead cockroaches? and heartwarming movies :), of annoying characters and new friendships. Of sleepless nights and sunsets! of waiting for sunsets (ahem..) and getting lost. of perasaning and kepoh-ing. of parasites and drugs. :/
of seeing him everywhere all the time. of him showing you he's there when you feel like crap. of realizing again and again that its all about him. seriously.
that was week 8! or is it week 9? :/ lost count. crap.
oh well, on tuesday saya ikut Ashy Ash pergi ke Carrefour untuk membeli tikusss.. Granted, i was never a rodent person. never was. even after Ratatoullie (is that how you spell it) came out, me figured only Pixar (or Disney) could make rodents look cute.
again, they proved me right with...the darling cockroach in Wall-E. If only the cockroaches in my bathroom was as cook. they wouldnt be that much of a nuisance now, would they??

notice the similarities??
anywho Ash got a white mouse that, i have to admit, adorable. Bono is his name! hehe. check out her blog for pictures (she's a awesome writer as well! hehe) we left Carrefour bout 6-ish and when i was back at my place, i realized the wallet was GONE. oh-so-gone.

notice the similarities??
anywho Ash got a white mouse that, i have to admit, adorable. Bono is his name! hehe. check out her blog for pictures (she's a awesome writer as well! hehe) we left Carrefour bout 6-ish and when i was back at my place, i realized the wallet was GONE. oh-so-gone.
we cari-cari the entire apartment and NO SUCH LUCK. arghhhh.. to cut the very very lon story short, me wents to a friend's place --> fatin aka sayang/mylove/dahling yg sometimes curang :P
and with her wonderful heart, drove us to Carrefour where we tried retracing the missing wallet. after awhile, realizing that THERE WAS NO LUCK finding it..
Fatin asked - did u cancel your credit cards?? of course, the very responsible me said ' NO! should I?' hahahahahah. (ok ok, it didnt sound funny when it happened.. but looking back, it was pretty crazy.
The police report story is another crazy one. i'll keep that for the next post!
God never lets anything happen by chance. it sucks when it happens and you feel horrible, theres nothing wrong with being angry.. thats why he gave us feelings in the first place (cue song:feelings... nothing more than feeliiingggsss...).
its whether we allow it to break us or make us stronger. If it wasnt for this tuesday event, i wouldnt have realized how blessed i am with such amazing friends! for showing their support, for the ride, for the breakfasts, for the teh-tariks, for the directions, for the laughter, for the never lacking hugs. i like :)
you all are amazing! they'll prolly never read this, but guys, u rock!
the next day (Wed) was movie day with Zia and Ash... went to the bank in the morning with Pinkie to get a new atm card.. when we came out of the car, pinkie points out that one of the tires needed more air..
naturally, i put it off and decided to do it the next time i came out. haha. oh well, went to puchong on thursday to do my license and guess what???? ---> punctured tire..
natasha refrains from jumping out and throwing herself at the traffic
while she makes a swift decision to drive slowly to the petrol station to get help.. again, another long story. but to cut it short, I got my license done whheehheee! it took us 45 minutes to get to the jpj office. and 5 minutes to get it done! ughh. i'm slowly resenting the driving! :/
oh, and they charged me RM30 to tampal tayar. the evil people i tell you! (apparently it should cost bout RM10 only.. so guys, note this down the next time u need to get a tire tampal-ed)
friday even crazierr arghh.. my phone, as most of my friends know, have decided to die on me anytime it wants. probably due to the fact ive never pampered it with tender loving care :/ oh well, me lost my contacts! arghh..
the crazy thing is, not all the contacts were deleted all of the sudden. its as if the phone was playing the 'guess which number i deleted' game with me. haha! cf on friday was welcoming party for new batch me208 and in the morning when i thought i just couldnt songlead that afternoon, 3 wonderful people reminded me of what was most important - Him. the perfect pursuer.. (thanks Sabby, Joanne and Jeremy, you guys are awesome hehe)
To realize that he is still God, above everything, above what we are currently feeling.. when we worship, its not about us anymore. its about how his amazing grace allows us this new day. so yea, practice was kinda last minute, but God was there!
for greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done! its crazy la. thanks papa, for being there. thanks Sabby (for holding me accountable, making sure we run together in this. hugss xD)
to sum up the week up -
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.
This is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long;
this is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long.
Perfect submission, perfect delight,
visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
angels descending bring from above
echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
Perfect submission, all is at rest;
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
watching and waiting, looking above,
filled with his goodness, lost in his love.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
sudden burst of jiwangness
There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song that I could sing
But I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
Like a, shoebox of photographs With sepiatone loving..
Edward: What do you want? Who do you want me to be?
Will: Yourself. Good, bad, everything. Just show me who you are for once.
Edward: I have been nothing but myself since the day I was born. And if you can't see that, it's your failing, not mine. -Big Fish.
I need us.
Upon my bed by night,
I sought him whom my soul loves;
I sought him, but found him not;
I called him, but he gave no answer.
I will rise now and go about the city,
in the streets and in the squares;
I will seek him whom my soul loves.
- Song of Solomons 3
the curtains close. the audience leave. the night is no more.
i look. you're gone.
the essence of my very being;
whom i thought had to be pursued;
was in fact the pursuer;
i turn;
you never left
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song that I could sing
But I can try for your heart
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things
Like a, shoebox of photographs With sepiatone loving..
Edward: What do you want? Who do you want me to be?
Will: Yourself. Good, bad, everything. Just show me who you are for once.
Edward: I have been nothing but myself since the day I was born. And if you can't see that, it's your failing, not mine. -Big Fish.
I need us.
Upon my bed by night,
I sought him whom my soul loves;
I sought him, but found him not;
I called him, but he gave no answer.
I will rise now and go about the city,
in the streets and in the squares;
I will seek him whom my soul loves.
- Song of Solomons 3
the curtains close. the audience leave. the night is no more.
i look. you're gone.
the essence of my very being;
whom i thought had to be pursued;
was in fact the pursuer;
i turn;
you never left
Monday, September 1, 2008
happy belated merdeka?

yes, its 1 september 2008. in 15 days will be the day we should be celebrating merdeka.. coz if memory does not fail me, 16th september was when sabah and sarawak was gabung-ed with Malaya to form Malaysia. woott! the reason for studying history for spm finally surfaces!
anyway, celebrated mum + cousin's birthday last night tho the official day is today! Aunty Mie (my lovely mum's twin) wasnt able to make it :( but 2 birthday babies were better than none! hahaah

yep, that is the crazy/emo/annoying/uber-cool/cacated at times/very crazy baby brother. purpose for uploading the photo? I LOOK SHORT! ugh. how often do i get to say that, rite? :P
rather unflattering photo but heck..
i heart annoying-younger-brothers!
= ]
and yes, thats cake icing on his face. things got pretty messy. not very messy. but messy enough :/
this girl is gonna go clean up her room and prepare breakfast (at 12.17am)..
thought : I wanna be able to lay everything down.everything. "The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits" Dan 11:32 I want to know him.. more.