Sunday, July 20, 2008

thoughts after the Dark Knight haha

it is always darkest before dawn. Ever wondered why things dont happen the way you wanted them to? But then again, the issue of dying to yourself comes up. What did we mean when we deny ourselves and pick up the cross? what did it mean when we said no looking back? What my amazing-yet-annoying cousin said in her latest email was a total wake up reminder. wake up call? definitely.

quote from her hamba-ness :)

'Things happen for us not to us.... U may have fallen down on yr cross but the Lord says it's time to rise up. U r not define by yr past but prepared by it.' Sharon, God never fails to remind me how blessed I am to have someone to keep me on the ground :) fortunately for me, your 'it isa very nice' is NOT MISSED *evil laugh* I hope her words encourages someone else as much as it has encouraged me.. Pressed but never crushed, struck down? not destroyed.

well, pictures of ze holiday vill not be facebooked.. but here's one or two random pictures.. oh oh, and ze cheesecake factory! vhere everyone must go to at least vonce in zeir lifetime to get fatter (pls read with russian accent). of course the cakes are not worth fatty-ness but heck, u'd think it was during the moment.

note the 2 pages of just CHEESECAKES AFTER CHEESECAKES... :D

ok, thats all for the pictures :) to you-know-who, i shall not degrade myself by posting more pictures in fb. its embarassing enough as it is. muahahha.

church in 6 hours.. sleep needed..

the end.

this song, the sum of what I feel i need to say?

Hidup ini banyak persoalan

Di mana harus ku temui jawapannya

Sungguh ya Tuhan ku tak mengerti

Ke mana harus ku melangkah Mencari sinar

Hidup ini penuh liku nya

Menuntut perjuangan iman sejati

Ku cari jawapan dan pengertian

Suka duka silih berganti

Tiada satu sandaran kehidupan

Dengarkanlah bapa bicara hidup ini

Ya Abba ya bapa

Ku seru nama MuYang Maha kudus

Kuatkan hatiku, Teguhkan iman ku

Tempoh dosa dunia

Ya Abba ya Bapa

Peganglah tanganku

Tuntunlah jalanku

Hidup kita penuh dengan godaan(cobaan)

Rintangan tentangan(Halangan)

Tanpa Dia kita akan kehilangan di dunia yang penuh dengan kehancuran kemusnahan

Dihatiku hanya Kau lah yang satu

Kekuatan keteguhan yang ku perlu

Yesus ku Kau lah Raja atas segala raja

Yang layak ku puji dan ku sembah atas segalanya

(By : The Chozen)

Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials.

Smith Wigglesworth


Sarah said...

even I am proud of kuku thing #1. what wise words, I couldnt have said it better