Wednesday, July 30, 2008
the week
anyway, interesting time here at uni i have to admit. amazing things in store definitely :) mornings have now taken a new meaning.. sab, an amazing girl with the biggest heart I've ever seen.. She never fails to remind me of the good things he has done for me.
okay, this post is extremely randomla.. (but then again, i am supposedly supposed to rant.. hence blog name - rantings. hmm) anyhoo, me mets up with EWWWWW and aunty ai vee! whheeeehheee. i've missed them.. mufy times were good times :) UNfortunately, a certain someone is in Perth right now dunno doing what when she was supposed to BE WITH US HERE IN MALAYSIA. hmpfff. betty, u better come back soon before we rot away! but yes, EW looked amazing as ever and aivee was as crazy as she was before (i mean that as a compliment, of course.) as much as she tried, my dear aivee could not trick us with the aussie accent. still malaysian.. still malaysian :P
hmmm.. i drove yesterday.yes i did. in kl. me. drove. kl. crazy place. cacat. never again? perhaps. but. will again. soon. perhaps? haihhhh
sms from brother at 19:59, 30 July 2008 (1 minute ago) - 'Adui.go study la u.hahahahahah.he gave me 3 injections in my a** u noe.i tink my bantat got lubang ady.' ahh, the joy of having little brothers telling u things u didnt want to know.
pbl notes on my side.. Problem based Learning. 12 learning issues. yes.
not 7.. not 8.. 12
more than 11, less than 13.
to be started soon. to be finished before monday.yes. i'm predicting a little last minute work.. i cant recall the word for doing work to the very last minute. what is it?! ARGH. i hate it when the word is at the tip of your tongue but u just cant seem to recall. ugh. brain not functioning as fast its supposed to. microbes taking too much memory space?
i realized i knew nothing about my God. there is so much to learn! so much to discover. no more being complacent.. no more asking why why why. more of just sitting. being still. knowing, even if you dont understand right now, the abundance of his grace. his mercy. his glory. his favour. his blessing.
i am. overwhelmed. amazed. in awe. his majesty. his glory. his spirit. u see, aside from him, nothing matters. it never did. it never should.
in love? with him. race is long, race is hard. yet running with you.. makes it easy.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
thoughts after the Dark Knight haha
quote from her hamba-ness :)
'Things happen for us not to us.... U may have fallen down on yr cross but the Lord says it's time to rise up. U r not define by yr past but prepared by it.' Sharon, God never fails to remind me how blessed I am to have someone to keep me on the ground :) fortunately for me, your 'it isa very nice' is NOT MISSED *evil laugh* I hope her words encourages someone else as much as it has encouraged me.. Pressed but never crushed, struck down? not destroyed.
well, pictures of ze holiday vill not be facebooked.. but here's one or two random pictures.. oh oh, and ze cheesecake factory! vhere everyone must go to at least vonce in zeir lifetime to get fatter (pls read with russian accent). of course the cakes are not worth fatty-ness but heck, u'd think it was during the moment.
note the 2 pages of just CHEESECAKES AFTER CHEESECAKES... :D
ok, thats all for the pictures :) to you-know-who, i shall not degrade myself by posting more pictures in fb. its embarassing enough as it is. muahahha.
church in 6 hours.. sleep needed..
the end.
this song, the sum of what I feel i need to say?
Hidup ini banyak persoalan
Di mana harus ku temui jawapannya
Sungguh ya Tuhan ku tak mengerti
Ke mana harus ku melangkah Mencari sinar
Hidup ini penuh liku nya
Menuntut perjuangan iman sejati
Ku cari jawapan dan pengertian
Suka duka silih berganti
Tiada satu sandaran kehidupan
Dengarkanlah bapa bicara hidup ini
Ya Abba ya bapa
Ku seru nama MuYang Maha kudus
Kuatkan hatiku, Teguhkan iman ku
Tempoh dosa dunia
Ya Abba ya Bapa
Peganglah tanganku
Tuntunlah jalanku
Hidup kita penuh dengan godaan(cobaan)
Rintangan tentangan(Halangan)
Tanpa Dia kita akan kehilangan di dunia yang penuh dengan kehancuran kemusnahan
Dihatiku hanya Kau lah yang satu
Kekuatan keteguhan yang ku perlu
Yesus ku Kau lah Raja atas segala raja
Yang layak ku puji dan ku sembah atas segalanya
Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials.
Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
another post

she sits on a bed watching a wrestling reality show in Discovery Channel on a Tuesday night in KK while typing away on her dad's laptop while her dad reads the newspaper on the other side of the very comfortable hotel room. She looks up and wonders for awhile why the water tap is on when no one is in the bathroom. She figures theres something wrong with the tap but couldnt be bothered to check on it. She looks back to the screen and realizes she should be doing her cop report but instead she's blabbering on a post where no one might even read. she thinks - 'its just to make myself happy'. She knows someone will read! she laughs evilly.
she sees the monkey and laughs at the irony. monkey. monkey thinks.
she is told the randomness annoys a certain someone. for that someone, she will try to be more annoying. she wants to watch everybody loves raymond. she cant seem to sleep for the past few days. damn the jetlag-ness! she smells of durian. yes indeed, she does.
She feels content. She is amazed at how amazing her God is at revealing even in the littlest things. She is realizing yet again that he restores what he takes away. He heals. He forgives. She is in love with him. for the very fact he first loved her. for the fact He constantly pursues her even when she is the least desirable, least pursueable.
'Why is it that many of us strive for years to attain spirituality through methodologies, programs and techniques; and when blueprints for success fail, we give up and resign ourselves to a life of mediocrity, frustration and regression??' she wonders. 'What is the abundant life of which God spoke about? Why do I feel as if I can never attain it' As she thinks of the next sentence to type, she recalls the wonderful durian that she ate just an hour ago at the side of the road near Likas hospital.

Tembaga durian, D24, Buah Emas, Udang Merah, 101, D99.. the list goes on.. bittersweet? go for the tembaga. Sweet and thick.. D24? or d101 maybe.. there's a different kind for everyone. soft and bitter? gooey and sweet? dark yellow? or pale ivory? of course, one has to get used to the smell first then taste. love it or hate it, u cant ignore it :)
ah yes, she got the durian gene from her dad. He who can differentiate the different kinds of durian by taste. its a gift i tell you, a gift!
She realizes she's gone off track. She reminisces over the amazingness that has been the past 3 weeks of holidays.. from home with the her dogs to 17 hours of a plane ride with cuckoo thing 1 and cuckoo thing 2 (ah, she laughs again to herself. she misses them badly. she wishes they were here.. ) She is thankful that she was given a fantastic break that will never be forgotten.. So much memories. SO much pictures for blackmail! she grins again.
she realizes she has a long day tomorrow. She met up with Lannel, Vanessa, Freddy, Sheila, Anthea and Dilyn just now and wishes she had more time with them. she has to leave on thursday :( sometimes theres so much to be done but so little time! she is going to Shalom home tomorrow and possibly meeting up with Kev and Grace. two of them make the world a funner place to be at, she believes. she smiles to herself. tomorrow, brand new day, brand new blessings. new encounters, new experience.
you see, she is not content just yet. she yearns for more. she is gonna challenge Him for more :)